Why Do You Buy an EVI DC Inverter Heat Pump?

Are you looking for highly-efficient heat pumps? If yes, then you should look no further than an EVI DC Inverter Heat Pump. EVI stands for “Enhanced Vapor Injection” – a technology used on cold climate heat pumps to provide superior performance at lower temperatures.  Generally, heat pumps use a single or a dual-speed compressor which…

Why Do You Use Arctic Pool & Spa Chillers for Swimming Pools?

Regulating the temperature of a swimming pool from getting hot can be a hassle in warmer climates. If the temperature of water goes above 30 C or 86 F, it can be problematic. However, the warm temperature is perfect for algae and bacteria growth. The chlorine gas dissipates faster with warm water and requires much…

Taking Advantage of Chillers for Swimming Pools

Heat pump technology has been commonly adopted in the swimming pool industry for its significant cost savings in the long run. Most pool heat pumps can help you save 70% or more in heating costs. While most hot users often focus on the heating requirements, the Arctic series heat pump is also a chiller whenever…