Best 3 Heat Pumps to Purchase for Your Home

In low altitude countries, people face direct sunlight that leads them unbearable heat. Needless to mention, heat wave creates a number of issues for human body including dehydration. If all these symptoms left untreated, they may cause immature death which no one would like. Apart from them, the greenhouse effect is contributing a lot in…

Things To Consider When Installing An Air Source Heat Pump

Planning where to set up your air source heat pump(ASHP) is a very important consideration to make the most of it. No doubt, a professional installer can guide you better on this; but we’ve compiled a few things that you should be conscious of when looking to install an air source heat pump. Ground-level or…

The Best Way to Regulate Interior Temperature Using -25 C Heat Pump

You definitely want your house interior to be comfortable all throughout the year. As your wish is such you must be trying to find out a device which makes such temperature changes possible. It can also be said that you must not have found out a device which makes your house warmer during winter and…

Categorized as heat pumps

How Do The Arctic Air Source Heat Pump Work In Cold Climate?

Do you need the most energy efficient heat pumps for cold climates? Then, look no further than Arctic Air Source Heat Pump. These heat pumps are the most popular options for hydronic heating and cooling purposes. All of these systems are designed in such a way to integrate with a solar thermal heater. It can…

Categorized as heat pumps

Know How to Select an Air Source Heat Pump for Your Use

An air-source heat pump can efficiently control the heating and cooling needs of your home. When professionally installed, it can be the source of 1.5 to 3 times more heat energy for your home than the actual amount of electrical energy it requires for domestic hot water, space heating or pool/hot tub heating. This is…

Why You Should Use Arctic Series Cold Climate Heat Pumps?

If you are residing in the Canada or Northern America and renovating or building a home, then the utmost care should be taken in selecting HVAC equipment which will help you enjoy living in your home and save a lot on your utility costs. Depending on a reliable home heating option such as a cold…

Categorized as heat pumps

What To Know If You Want To Use Your Heat Pump During The Winter?

A heat pump is basically a central air conditioning unit that has the capability to heat your house during the winter months. It usually pumps heat into your house during the winter season & pumps heat out in the summer season. If employed appropriately, a heat pump can turn out to be an exceedingly efficient…

Top Things to Know about Hydronic Heat Pump

These days, people in North America are switching to air source heat pumps to enjoy the same benefits of using conventional gas or electric heating systems without increasing the carbon foot print. The hydronic heat pumps are considered as one of the most effective air source heat pumps for cold climates. To get an optimum…

Categorized as heat pumps

How a -25 C or -15 C Heat Pump Prove to be Worth for Cold Climate Region?

Do you want to buy a high performing heat pump to beat the below -25 C winter temperature in the North America? Then consider buying -25 C or -15 C heat pump to get a cost-effective way to tackle the average North American winter temperatures that go below -25 C. The high performing heat pump…

Use Arctic Series Cold Climate Heat Pumps

If you are residing in the Canada or Northern America and renovating or building a home, then the utmost care should be taken in selecting HVAC equipment which will help you enjoy living in your home and save a lot on your utility costs. Depending on a reliable home heating option such as a cold…