5 Factors Influencing Cold Climate Heat Pump Cost

Currently, most homeowners and businesses are focusing on energy efficiency and heat pumps stand out as the compelling solution for heating and cooling homes, especially in cold climates. However, before understanding the details of cold climate heat pumps, you should check out the factors that influence their costs.  From installation to maintenance, several considerations can…

6 Best Reasons to Buy an Arctic Heat Pump for Pool

You must be concerned about the heating requirements of your pool. You should consider investing in an Arctic heat pump for the pool. It works perfectly in hot climates that require a retreat from the hot summer. You can enjoy taking a plunge in your pool.  Now you can take advantage of cold plunge therapy…

Buy Air Source Heat Pump of Best Quality

Are you looking for air source heat pumps to meet heating needs without much energy cost? You have got the right one to serve you with such heat pumps. Welcome to Arctic Heat Pumps, one of the leading suppliers of cost-effective heat pumps. Our heat pumps are made to stand to customer expectations, they are…

How Do You Get Started for Rebates on Residential Heat Pumps in Maine?

Most homes and businesses are installing heat pumps throughout Maine. Heat pumps are the most popular heating system because of Maine’s rebate programs on heat pump installation. The heat pump rebates apply to residential, low-income, and commercial customers. Efficiency Maine provides rebates up to $1,200 for a residential heat pump. Find a reliable heat pump…

Categorized as heat pumps

A Smart and Worthy Investment in the Long Run

Looking for heat pumps in Maine? But you are curious to know how heat pumps work? And why should you use them? Then let us find out below: Working of Heat Pumps As far as how heat pumps work is concerned, these units work by pumping or moving heat from one place to another using…

Why Do You Use Air to Water Heat Pump for Hot Water?

With the increase in energy prices, most people intend to take advantage of cost savings from heat pumps for heating and cooling needs. This is where a quality air to water heat pump for hot water comes in handy. The heat pump can be used for heating water at home. When you use a heat…